Keuw field recordings
The media files on this page accompany my article on Keuw:
- Kamholz, David. 2012. The Keuw isolate: Preliminary materials and classification. In Harald Hammarström and Wilco van den Heuvel (eds.), History, contact, and classification of Papuan languages, 243-268. Special issue of Language and Linguistics in Melanesia. Port Moresby: Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea. PDF
You can access my audio recordings and ELAN files on Dropbox here. The sessions are in Indonesian / Papuan Malay. Not everything is transcribed in the ELAN files; transcriptions in the article should be taken as authoritative. The following is a brief summary of the files and their contents:
- September 30, 2011. Present: Jon, Isak, and a non-Keuw friend. Location: Gedo beach, Nabire.
- jon_isak_2011_09_30_2.wav: 39 mins. Wordlist elicitation.
- jon_isak_2011_09_30_3.wav: 20 mins. Wordlist elicitation.
- jon_isak_2011_09_30_4.wav: 16 mins. Wordlist elicitation.
- jon_isak_2011_09_30_5.wav: 8 mins. Elicited text.
- October 2, 2011. Present: Jon. Location: house in Samabusa.
- jon_2011_10_02_1.wav: 23 mins. Wordlist elicitation focusing on minimal pairs; a few sentences.
- jon_2011_10_02_2.wav: 35 mins. Wordlist elicitation; attempts to elicit ‘many’; a few sentences.
- jon_2011_10_02_3.wav: 7 mins. Wordlist elicitation.
- jon_2011_10_02_4.wav: 23 mins. Wordlist elicitation.
My language consultants, Jon (kepala suku Keuw, head of the Keuw tribe) and Isak (kepala desa Keuw, head of Keuw village), are pictured below. Many thanks to them for lending their time!